Saturday, June 30, 2007

The almost- end- of- exam post
So, the past week was exams week and there are only two left!!! Yea....

The papers were...well, ok, I'm anticipating- dreading the results. And looking forward to the treat from Isabel from our bet ( Smirk)...

Now, i do have a lot to blog about, you know how during the exam period, you are supposed to focus your mind and study, yet, your mind never seems to be tame and always strays away, thinking about everything but study! SO...

*crap, now i cant seem to remember...Crap.

1)I was looking for a new wallet and was just surfing around ala acting 'rich and spoilt brat like' the Louis Vuitton site, envisioning what I would probably save up for while in two years of NS.
And then i found out that...only
1% of the items bearing the trademark monogram are authentic, how disgusting. And therefore, its kind of pointless if you want to buy a wallet like this:

The traditional monogram...cause at the end of the day people either think its fake or your a poser. So rather...why not go for something more chic, sleek and equally good quality.? Like...

Understated class with subtle engraving instead of loud, screaming 'LV' print.Nice...
Ah well, enough for dreaming, I shall start saving up.
And more realistically now, i probably will settle for a Braun Buffel. ( Sorry la Anna and Derrick, not that I want to copy you all! )

Ok, that's about it for now. I shall post more after the exams...
To the rest who have yet to finish their exams..Good luck and happy mugging!(Oh oxymoron...)

8:27 PM;

Friday, June 29, 2007

Okay, Sorry, Sorry!
I set in my heart to blog this afternoon...
But ended up net surfing the whole afternoon....
I promise ok!

4:30 PM;

Friday, June 22, 2007

e sight that I have been SEE-ING and SMELLING ALOT of these days)
The stomach flu chronicle...

How do bulimics survive? Puking 5 times in 2 hours is disgusting enough, yet. They do it every single day...after every single meal ( well, meal - every three days ).
Having stomach flu totally sucks!!! And it comes at a horrible time can! Sucks!

In the past day, I have:

- Nine times; this despite not eating...
Burped - Ten million times...
Froze and felt on fire - Ten billion times...

I feel horrible! Queasy! Nauseous! Cold...

So, last night, after i woke up to puke. I couldn't get back to sleep and ended up staring out my window ( ala pathetic / lonely/ caged bird style ) heh. And to my disgust...( refer to top )

There were like totally two entire rows of silver cars lined up. Like..Yuck and freaky. They must be one big, happy family. Ok. No more crap. And apologies for the blurred picture. Hands were shaking from the lack of food...

I got to puke...again...And shoot. A pimple just burst.
Man! It never rains, it always pours...

11:12 AM;

Sunday, June 17, 2007

An hour ago...
I was busy freaking out that I could GET the questions in the organic chemistry revision pack. And yet. Now. Here I am. Heh. Go figure.

Went to church today in my 'summer' outfit, and crap. Woke up to a windy, rainy, cold day. But I'm not complaining - windy and cold is always better. Isn't it. ( well at least it is with me ) (Oh shoot. No Picture!!!)

So today, I was reading the Gen Y section of the Sunday Times and...
I came across this section of - Decoding teen computer speak

AFC- Away from computer
BAC- Back at computer
C9- Parents are around
FOCL- Falling off chair, laughing
FYEO- For your eyes only
GTG- Got to go
H8- Hate
IRL- In real life
J/K- Joking
KPC- Keeping parents clueless
MOS/DOS- Mum/ Dad over shoulder
PAW- Parents are watching
POS- Parent over shoulder

and the list goes on...

And then I realized that, I didn't even know 99% of the short forms used, much less use them on MSN. Which sets one thinking...

Is it that I am super uber out of touch - which is probably considering my tech idiot-ness.? Or maybe I'm just old. Or worse, well, probably the fact is that not many people use these slangs to start with...?
Wasn't it the case the about a year ago, there was a huge whoo-ha by parents and teachers about the horror and utter disgust at the sms/chat lingo used by teens and how it supposedly utterly insults and wrecks the beauty of the English language. Back then, it was English Armageddon. And now, hmm... It's amazing how our society seems to drift on from issue to issue that affects 'society' extremely fast...

You Are An INFP

The Idealist

You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.
You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.

At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak

Yea, I was bored! So...Yea...Apparently, I'm-
Unrealistic, naive, and weak...bad, bad, bad. SOB...Say it isn't so... But maybe they should materialistic too.? Heh.

Today's post has ALOT of words, not many pictures...Ah well, till next time...

10:24 PM;

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Today, I woke up to rude shock.
" Hello Sean, can you come over to my house now. Your mummy is injured"
Shocked I put down the phone. Then realising I forgot to ask where exactly is " MY HOUSE", i stood there desperately dialing my mum's hand phone.
It was my neighbour who had called me and informed me that my mum was injured and was at her home.
I hurried over to her house ( still in my pj's, with teeth un-brushed, hair unkempt and still half asleep ) - THINK pj's.

So anyway, I rushed into the house and got the shock of my life.

My mum was sitting there in her kitchen with a huge piece of cotton wool pressed onto her head, bleeding. And I don't mean like 'nose bleed kinda bleeding'...I mean like,
having ten periods ( im guessing ) - kinda bleeding....not to mention her top and bag were all soaked in blood as well. Gasp...

Scenario: Mum's late for X-ray appointment at Mount E. Rushes out of house, trips over her Jimmy Choo's ( I wish ), misses a step, then rolls down a flight of steps. Cutting her head, injuring her hip and jaw in the process. Ouch.

Result: to cut a long story short: Son rushes her to the GP before being referred to the Accident and Emergency ward at Changi General Hospital. Seriously people, go private next time, NEVER go the government hospitals. You get treated like crap.

Mama and I.

Mama in Hong Kong Dec 06', On the rooftop of our hotel - Harbour plaza, AH...the winter breeze...

Mama eating Wanton Mee as it should be cooked! In Hong kong June o6'

Faster get well MAMA! We are going to Hong Kong again at the end of the year to shop UP A STORM again and wear nice winter clothes!!!

SEAN: Doctor, is my mum's cut deep.? Is it very serious.?

Doc: Do you expect me to stick my finger in to find out how deep the cut is?
SEAN: Isn't it something basic that you learn in Med school?

Doc: Med school teaches you medicine, not give you super powers

RA!!!!!! An answer like - 'not very deep' would have been sufficiently reassuring to the boy who is desperate to find out his mum's condition? Im not expecting an answer like 2 cm 8 mm and 7 um deep!Right? How utterly rude! And certainly not sticking your stupid finger in! I WILL STICK MINE UP YOUR NOSE INSTEAD! Urgh. All these MO's.

And worse...he didn't even dress the wound properly, he left half the wound gaping open when he dressed it the first time. And I'm guessing it wouldn't haven been re-dressed if I hadn't grabbed some random nurse and asked her for help!

The experience there was traumatising too, the OT room where the doc stitched up my mum's head had a waiting area that is directly facing the ambulance unloading bay. It was traumatising see the

1) NS guy that came in with a neck brace
2) 2 elderly people breathing oxygen looking dazed

3) Elderly woman who stared at me with her eyes wide open ( I not guessing anything )

being wheeled in on stretchers...

Making my imagination run wild, heart pump at ten million beats per minute and slightly hyperventilate.

The NS guy quite poor thing lei! I think he just enlisted into tekong, judging from the length of his hair, hope he's alright.

So anyway. Today was really a stressful ala eventful day for me...

PS: Thanks to the various friends and family members who showed so much care and concern, my mum's much better now. Given a weeks MC and will rest at home. Although her ass still hurts from the fall and her leg hurts too.

PPS: Im darn stressed out now cause the doctor at CGH said an X-ray wasn't necessary, HOW CAN!!!! She suffered trauma to the head you know! Her brain might have been affected! ( eminently, that Doctor doesn't have one ). I'm going to convince my mum tomorrow morning to go for an X-ray at Mount E or Gleneagles. At least there we will be treated humane-ly.

PPPPS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL IRENAEUS CHIA!!! WE MUST MEET UP SOON OK! CELEBRATE YOUR, LEA YEE AND DARYL'S BIRTHDAY. We can probably go clubbing, then Dahlia, I and the rest will just have sneak in. Who ask us to be under aged...

PPPPPS: I finally got my G.U.E.S.S watch! Yea...I love it so much!!!!

PPPPPPS: Ok, there's nothing more to PS la. Till next time!!!
Oh and Paris darrrling, enjoy your time in jail!

10:15 PM;

Friday, June 08, 2007

Im trying to blog,
BLOGGER IS DOWN AGAIN!!! I cant upload any pictures...
I think its a hint from god for me to study....

12:47 AM;

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Of the Life of Random Events Strung Together.
The past week was a stringing together of drama - ( literally and figuratively), Emerge! o7', thoughts and STUDYING MY BRAINS OUT!

Drama-It was strange , kind of surreal as a matter that there would no longer be any more drama sessions from now on. Admittedly, it was truly an enjoyable time, especially with Rui Qi and Christine around, HAHA! Laughter abounds. I think the part of drama I probably will miss most is..The bus rides on the way home! HAHA! Really memorable!

After SYF last year, Sorry that I look like a total drag queen ala freak, but no choice! Must have damn thick make-up! I will miss the times...

And while Im still on that subject,
On Wednesday, after our final Drama class, we went down to Christine's 'Pinky' cafe / Miss Clarity cafe, where I must say! The food is good and so are the desserts. Must go back there some day!

The present:

The packing:

With reference to the previous post, this was the top that I shared with Rui Qi as Christine's birthday present.


Was really amazing!!! Even though I could only go for the first two day's morning session, I must say, it was GREAT!!! And its already in the fifth year and yet making such an impact!

7:32 PM;

PROFILE Seanie, 17 When the impossible seems possible...

  • June 2005
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  • January 2007
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  • January 2008